Saturday, February 3, 2007


How sad that one of our sister churches, Fall Creek Baptist Church, was told that they could not show the Super B*** on their screen. I block out that word because we now learn that it is copyrighted and only for special use. I am proud to be counted with Pastor John Newland in not wanting to encourage others in breaking the law. But, what a silly law. IT is OK to show the game on any size (or even multiple screens) at bars where you can imbibe alcohol and breathe smoke filled air. Now the NFL wants to assure us that those locations are fine for us to celebrate with our families.

The NFL's lack of sensitivity towards families and the American populace is only underscored this year. One would think that after the debacle of Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake with their "wardrobe malfunction" that the NFL would be courting families. Oh, well, if they really do not want us purchasing tickets, jersey's etc... that will be fine with me. I do not live for football. I enjoy watching great guys like Peyton, Tony, Dallas Clark and a number of fine fellows. I hope that the NFL executives learn from their players sophistication.

I also hope that the church learns to beware of becoming to chummy with the world. I further hope that those who choose football over the Lord will see the decision being played out. IT is a slippery slope.

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