Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Honor of Thieves?

George Barna has recently learned from a survey that a large percentage of Christian teens do not see music piracy as wrong. The Bible teaches stealing is wrong. The law of the land has labeled music piracy as stealing, so the Christian should obey the law here.

However, what strikes me as odd is the hypocrisy of the music industry and recording artists. As a whole the music that pervades our culture is narcissistic and cavalier. The rappers exalt robbing, beating, and unrestrained sexuality. They sell a crime as a lifestyle, then cry foul when their fans follow suit and whine. Suddenly these "criminals" want to live by society's rules.

Hey stay consistent and take the loss like a toughie. If not, stop corrupting the youth culture. Hey record companies stop making a buck on the naivete and immaturity of these kids. Maybe if you produced music and supported bands with real identity and a meaningful message, you would have kids who respected copyright laws. Start doing right if you want the kids to treat you right.

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