Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Who would have thought Nickelodeon would be a channel that needed censoring for kids? I certainly would not. But, when I received a call from a church mother who was watching the show with her son, I had to check it out myself. And I began to have my own concerns.
Nickelodeon has sponsored a show that attempts to be a spoof rockudramada called The Naked Brothers Band. The title itself should raise eyebrows. Sure they could spin it as a cute name that refers to the band players’ younger years. But the name itself draws curiosity and attention to ideas that we do not need to encourage in young children approaching puberty. But, I recorded the show to see for myself the concerns the parent raised about the show.

She said that the show also had fake commercials to go with the premise of the show. In a commercial prior to a video, a man and woman said, “We had them play… at our wedding.” Then two men with effeminate mannerisms and voices say, “We had them play… at our wedding.” Again, was it a joke? Sure, you could spin it that way, but the writers are either mocking the homosexuals or attempting to desensitize our kids to the homosexual agenda. Either way, parents beware. While I do not approve of the gay lifestyle, I do not want my young children learning to mock real people with real problems. Secondly, I do not want my kids to begin to view the homosexual lifestyle as normative or an acceptable form of sexuality. And, when the subject is broached with my children, my wife and I will be the ones to do so; I do not believe a school system with an activist agenda should do it and it certainly should not be Nickelodeon.

But, I caught more than I cared to see on Nickelodeon. These preteen boys had a young tutor who traveled with them. She was a bit of a rocker herself and just out of her teens if that. When the camera flashed to her, she wore a tank top with a plunging neck line and a strategically placed tattoo. For most young boys coming to grips with manhood, I imagine focusing on school work would be difficult around this young woman.

Most of the parody and story would be lost on the audience that the show supposedly targets. There is definitely an overt sexualization of the story throughout the first show. My word, I feel adults are over exposed to sexuality on TV, commercials and pop culture. I thought Nickelodeon could be a safe haven for my kids. Perhaps there might be some rude burping or flatulence. But innocence could be maintained even with that. Nickelodeon you have stripped yourself of my trust as a parent with the Naked Brothers Band.

Ephesians 5:3-5 3 But do not let immorality or any impurity or greed even be named among you, as is proper among saints; 4 and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

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