Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Honor of Thieves?

George Barna has recently learned from a survey that a large percentage of Christian teens do not see music piracy as wrong. The Bible teaches stealing is wrong. The law of the land has labeled music piracy as stealing, so the Christian should obey the law here.

However, what strikes me as odd is the hypocrisy of the music industry and recording artists. As a whole the music that pervades our culture is narcissistic and cavalier. The rappers exalt robbing, beating, and unrestrained sexuality. They sell a crime as a lifestyle, then cry foul when their fans follow suit and whine. Suddenly these "criminals" want to live by society's rules.

Hey stay consistent and take the loss like a toughie. If not, stop corrupting the youth culture. Hey record companies stop making a buck on the naivete and immaturity of these kids. Maybe if you produced music and supported bands with real identity and a meaningful message, you would have kids who respected copyright laws. Start doing right if you want the kids to treat you right.


Who would have thought Nickelodeon would be a channel that needed censoring for kids? I certainly would not. But, when I received a call from a church mother who was watching the show with her son, I had to check it out myself. And I began to have my own concerns.
Nickelodeon has sponsored a show that attempts to be a spoof rockudramada called The Naked Brothers Band. The title itself should raise eyebrows. Sure they could spin it as a cute name that refers to the band players’ younger years. But the name itself draws curiosity and attention to ideas that we do not need to encourage in young children approaching puberty. But, I recorded the show to see for myself the concerns the parent raised about the show.

She said that the show also had fake commercials to go with the premise of the show. In a commercial prior to a video, a man and woman said, “We had them play… at our wedding.” Then two men with effeminate mannerisms and voices say, “We had them play… at our wedding.” Again, was it a joke? Sure, you could spin it that way, but the writers are either mocking the homosexuals or attempting to desensitize our kids to the homosexual agenda. Either way, parents beware. While I do not approve of the gay lifestyle, I do not want my young children learning to mock real people with real problems. Secondly, I do not want my kids to begin to view the homosexual lifestyle as normative or an acceptable form of sexuality. And, when the subject is broached with my children, my wife and I will be the ones to do so; I do not believe a school system with an activist agenda should do it and it certainly should not be Nickelodeon.

But, I caught more than I cared to see on Nickelodeon. These preteen boys had a young tutor who traveled with them. She was a bit of a rocker herself and just out of her teens if that. When the camera flashed to her, she wore a tank top with a plunging neck line and a strategically placed tattoo. For most young boys coming to grips with manhood, I imagine focusing on school work would be difficult around this young woman.

Most of the parody and story would be lost on the audience that the show supposedly targets. There is definitely an overt sexualization of the story throughout the first show. My word, I feel adults are over exposed to sexuality on TV, commercials and pop culture. I thought Nickelodeon could be a safe haven for my kids. Perhaps there might be some rude burping or flatulence. But innocence could be maintained even with that. Nickelodeon you have stripped yourself of my trust as a parent with the Naked Brothers Band.

Ephesians 5:3-5 3 But do not let immorality or any impurity or greed even be named among you, as is proper among saints; 4 and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Emma, my second child has had an ongoing Birthday celebration. We celebrated once before we left for Nana's and Papa Macy's house. She received gifts in the mail from my mother. Members at our church gave her some gifts. She had a blast. We planned to have a party for her and her friends when we returned to Indiana. And while we were in Colorado, Nana and Papa planned a family party for her. It was New Year's Eve and quiet Emma is very observant. Her aunts, uncles and cousins came over after church services. She asked to speak to Nana. Emma said, "Nana, does Aunt Rachel know it is my birthday party today?" Nana said, "Of course she does sweetheart." Emma said, "Well, I don't think she brought a present for me." Aunt Rachel had forgotten!

Rachel scooted out to the card store and put a $20 in the envelope. All was well in Emma's world. It is interesting that Emma noted the lack of a gift so close to the day we celebrate Jesus' birthday. I have heard that we have to be careful because people want to complain that churches just want money and that God does not care. But, in my reading of the Bible and Jesus' own words, He is as observant as Emma and even more appreciative.

The Bible talks a great deal about our gifts and offerings. He has every right to expects gifts from us whether it is Christmas or not. And if we say we are truly part of His family, we should take note of His concern as well.

Luke 21:1-4 And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury. 2 And He saw a certain poor widow putting in two small copper coins. 3 And He said, "Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all of them; 4 for they all out of their surplus put into the offering; but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on."

and they shall not appear before the LORD empty-handed. (Deuteronomy 16:16)


1 Peter 2:9-10 9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Gerald Ford happens to be the first president of the United States I personally remember. Being very young, I have just a couple of impressions about him. But after his funeral I have a much better understanding of him. My overall impression that he was kind and nice has only been reinforced by what I have heard.
In the fact of the matter, I only heard one thing that people questioned about his actions; that being the pardon of President Richard Nixon. (I am not here to debate the change in time and the way politics are played out today, only to look at this one incident). Looking back, some wanted President Nixon to answer for his actions and take more responsibility.
Deep down we know justice is right. When we see a crime, something inside of us cringes and we want some form of retribution to fall upon that person. On the other hand, when we have committed an infraction we tend to have a marvelous way of downplaying our own culpability and expecting immediate forgiveness. So, when President Nixon was pardoned after all the confusing statements and testimony, people on both sides were left generally disappointed.
President Ford on his part had a great loyalty to his friends, and a commitment to caring for others that I would hope to have and cultivate in others. He decided to override justice and extend mercy. The country was spared the spectacle of a trial of a president. President Nixon did not get what he deserved.
I truly believe the pardon was not the best case scenario. Why? Two reasons: 1. I believe that the solution opened the door for a greater level of dishonesty and hostility in politics. When there is an open wound that never gets treated, it only festers and creates more problems. 2. I honestly believe that we have a generally forgiving country. Had Nixon confessed his part, offered apologies, and sought reconciliation I think that the country as a whole would have forgiven and embraced him. Perhaps I am a bit naïve but I believe our politics and fellow countrymen were a bit more genteel back then. Would that not have been a beautiful solution to a trying situation? Unfortunately, I believe President Ford was put between a rock and a hard place. A wrong had been done, justice was not served, and mercy was dispensed when grace would have been best.
Likewise, you and I have perjured ourselves before God, lusted, stolen, grumbled, caused disunity during our lives and God has chosen not only to pardon us through mercy, but also to bless us with grace. God did not overlook justice in reconciling us to Himself. The crimes we commit deserve and REQUIRE punishment! God punished His One and only Jesus in our place. Not only did God display His mercy (not giving us what we deserve) in Jesus, He also lavished us with grace (giving us what we do not deserve). We no longer have to fear the penalty of our sin, but we have the promise of God’s riches in heaven.
People can not understand how Christians can be so clear about moral judgments and God’s expectations and yet accept people with all sorts of sin. They believe we are hypocritical when we forgive people who hurt us and have acted in inappropriate ways. They do not understand that God has justly forgiven us and others. We can therefore truly put wrongs behind us and others because the matter is settled on the cross. Because we will get far more than we can ever dream or imagine we do not let the past hang over us or others, but look forward to our home in heaven.

One thankful for GRACE (God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense)